Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • How can I locate a specific grave of someone buried in the cemetery?

    Use the SEARCH link in the menu and enter the LAST NAME.

  • Where is the cemetery?

    The street address is 7370 Sibley Street, Montrose. The cemetery is located at the southeast corner of U.S. Highway 98 and Sibley Street. For GPS map directions, see our "LOCATION" tab.
    The mailing address for correspondence is:
    Montrose Cemetery Association P.O. Box 98 Montrose, AL 36559

  • How do I post a funeral notice on the Bulletin Board at the Post Office?

    The Montrose Garden Club has maintained a Community Bulletin Board at the entrance to the Post Office since 1946. When a death occurs in a Montrose family and/or a funeral is scheduled for Montrose Cemetery, a notice is posted on the board and all other notices are removed until after the funeral.
    If you have a notice to be considered for posting, you should leave a message on the Information line at (251) 990-2727. Please give all available details or whom to contact for more information. Your message will be relayed to the appropriate committee person.
    Please state:
    • full name of deceased
    • age (if known)
    • date of death
    • date, time, and place of visitation (if any)
    • date, time, and place of funeral services
    • date, time, and place or burialany special instructions regarding flowers or donations

  • How to I arrange for the surveyor to stake out a gravesite?

    You must already have a family plot allocated to you before you can arrange for a burial. See "who is eligible for burial in the cemetery" for further information.
    If you have previously made arrangements for a family plot with one or more spaces still unused, then you or your funeral director should contact the surveyor, at Moore Surveying, 555 North Section Street, Fairhope, AL at 251-367-1010 to select and stake out the grave site.
    If you need to make contact on the weekend or after office hours, leave a message on the Information line at (251) 990-2727 and it will be automatically relayed to the appropriate person.

  • Who is eligible for burial in the cemetery?

    Under the terms of the deed from Cyrus Sibley to the Trustees of the Montrose Cemetery Association, and subsequent rules enacted by the Trustees, the following restrictions are currently in effect:
    Burial in the Montrose Cemetery is restricted to residents of Montrose and their families. Those eligible may pay a fee at prevailing rates to secure "allocation" of grave spaces. Note that the grave spaces are allocated, not purchased. Once allocated the residency requirement is moot.
    Residents of Montrose are defined as living or owning residential property within the boundary of the map available on this website. (See LOCATION tab.)
    For more information you may contact any member of the Board of Trustees.

  • How can I contribute to the upkeep fund?

    The Montrose Cemetery is a 501-C eligible non-profit organization, and your contributions will be receipted for your income tax purposes. Our Tax ID Number is 63-0833670.
    The operation of the cemetery is funded through voluntary contributions. Expenses include a grounds maintenance program year round, and repairs fences and equipment as necessary. Contributions are welcome at any time. You should mail your contribution to:
    Montrose Cemetery Association P.O. Box 98 Montrose, AL 36559
    We conduct an annual mailing to those on our mailing list such as family of those buried and other individuals who wish to assist in this area of ongoing need. Please include information as to how we may contact you if you want information about setting up a plan for future contribution through provisions of your will. A "community work day" is usually held each fall to take care of plantings and landscape needs. In addition, The Montrose Garden Club sponsors several flowerbeds and other beautification projects within the Cemetery. This is not a "perpetual care" facility and each family is responsible for care of their own family plot. Certain regulations apply such as not leaving glass containers, dead or faded flowers, etc.

  • How can I safely clean an almost illegible old gravestone?

    The only safe way is to use D-2 Biologic Solution. Other methods such as  using Clorox, 
    or scrubbing with a wire brush, can permanently damage the stone. Power washing is not
     a wise approach. Using soap and water and a soft brush is safe, but not a lasting fix. 
              Here is a link to more information:

  • What are the earliest burials in the cemetery?

    William Bernard Kelly             1857
    Mary L. Lee                          1/1/1859
    Lt. John M. Stribling   CSN   8/7/1862
    James Duncan   CSN           9/4/1862
    Cyrus Sibley                         8/1/1867
    Charles F. Graham  CSA      6/6/1877
    Willie McAdam                  2/28/1879
    Charity Jefferis Babb        11/20/1879
    George Ficklin                   10/5/1889
    Thomas W. Marshall           6/1/1890
    F. A. Godwin     (est.)            <1890
    Harriett Allen                     1/26/1898
    Anna Patterson Gabel         6/1/1898
    Mary L. Taylor                      7/1/1898
    Deliliah Jane Gressett Johnston 1899
    Kate Ollive Green              12/8/1901
    Georgia Allen Morse           2/2/1905
    Troup Allen                         3/5/1905